How to Apply For Loan From Lend Mall Loan Application Apply Online

Lend Mall Loan Application : How To Get Loan From Lend Mall Loan Application : Lend Mall Loan Application

Lend Mall Loan Application

Hello friends, welcome to our website, today we are going to tell you about an application by which you can control your expenses, where are you spending. You can get them with the help of an application for a very good amount of money. So today the name of the application that will tell you about the application is Lend Mall. With the help of this application, you can get loan up to 5 lakhs. So in today’s post, we will tell you about how you can take a loan with the help of this Lend Mall Loan Application , all the information about which you will come to know. So we have a small request from you, that you must read this post of ours till the end, then you will get all the information related to Lend Mall Loan Application.

So before proceeding further in the post, let us see what information we will give you regarding Lend Mall Loan Application in today’s post.


Information Related Lend Mall Loan Application

  1. First of all, with the help of Lend Mall Loan Application, we will give you information about the amount of personal loan you can get.
  2. On the second number, we will tell you that with the help of Lend Mall Loan Application, you get to see the interest rate ranging from what percentage to what percentage on that loan.
  3. On the third number, we will tell you how many months to how many months will you get to repay the loan with the help of Lend Mall Loan Application.
  4. How much processing fee do you get to see on the loan that will be given to you with the help of Lend Mall Loan Application.
  5. If you want to take a loan with the help of Lend Mall Loan Application at number five, then which eligibility you have to fulfill.
  6. If you want to take a loan from the Lend Mall Loan Application at number six, then what are the main documents you will need.
  7. How can you get a loan with the help of Lend Mall Loan Application at number seven.

Friends, today we will tell you about this information in this post.So first of all let us talk about how much loan amount you can get with the help of Lend Mall Loan Application.

Lend Mall Loan Application

Loan Amount From Lend Mall Loan Application

With the help of Lend Mall Loan Application, you can get the loan which you get, as low as ₹ 1500. Lend Mall Loan Application gives you a loan of at least ₹ 1500. On the other hand, if you want to get maximum loan from Lend Mall Loan Application, then you can get loan up to 60,000 from Lend Mall Loan Application. This means that if you apply for maximum loan from Lend Mall Loan Application then this company can give you loan up to 60,000. With the help of Lend Mall Loan Application, you can get an Instant Personal Loan ranging from ₹ 1500 to ₹ 60, 000.


Friends, you have come to know about the personal loan given with the help of Lend Mall Loan Application, how much loan will be given to you from Lend Mall Loan Application. Now let us talk about what percentage of the loan will be given to you with the help of Lend Mall Loan Application, you get to see the interest rate on that loan.


Interest Rate Of Lend Mall Loan Application

With the help of Lend Mall Loan Application, you get to see an interest rate of at least 0.07% on the loan given to you. Interest rate will be charged on the basis of %. The maximum interest rate you get to see through the same Lend Mall Loan Application is 29%. Therefore, with the help of Lend Mall Loan Application, you get to see an interest rate ranging from 0.7% to 29%.


So friends, with the help of Lend Mall Loan Application, you have come to know about the interest rate you get to see. Now let us talk about how long the loan will be given to you with the help of Lend Mall Loan Application.


Tenure Rate Of Lend Mall Loan Application

With the help of Lend Mall Loan Application, you get the loan given to you for at least 3 months. That is, if you get a loan with the help of Lend Mall Loan Application, you can get that loan for at least 3 months. And if you want to get maximum loan from Lend Mall Loan Application, then you get more time through Lend Mall Loan Application, it is available for about 12 months. From 7 months i.e. you take maximum loan up to year here. Therefore, with the help of Lend Mall Loan Application, you get to see a loan ranging from 3 months to 12 months.


So friends, you have got the information about how much time you will get on the loan you get to see with the help of Lend Mall Loan Application, to return the loan. Now let us talk about what percentage of processing fee is charged to you with the help of Lend Mall Loan Application.


Processing Fee Of Lend Mall Loan Application

With the help of Lend Mall Loan Application, you get to see at least 2% of the processing fee on the loan given to you. And that’s what you get to see here just like this and you get to see the processing fee at the rate of 8%. With the help of Lend Mall Loan Application, you get to see processing fees ranging from 2% to 8%.


You friends, you have got information about the processing fees given with the help of Lend Mall Loan Application. Now let’s talk about what are the main eligibility criteria you have to fulfill to get a loan with the help of Lend Mall Loan Application.


Eligibility Criteria For Lend Mall Loan Application

With the help of the application, you mainly have to fulfill three types of eligibility which are mentioned below.

  1. First of all, eligibility comes from friends that your age should be 21 years. If your age is less than 21 years then Lend Mall Loan Application will not provide you loan.
  2. The second eligibility criterion comes that the citizenship you have should be of India. If you are a citizen of any country other than India, then you will not be given a loan from the Lend Mall Loan Application, so you have to make sure that if you want to take a loan for any other person, the person is from India.
  3. You are a person working for a salary. In another language, you may or may not have some business of your own, but you must have a job that provides you a certain amount of money.
  4. Your monthly salary, but the monthly salary must be at least ₹ 15,000.


So friends, with the help of Lend Mall Loan Application, you have come to know about which eligibility you have to fulfill on the loan you get to see. Now let’s talk about which documents you will mainly need.


Documents Required For Lend Mall Loan Application

  • First of all you need friends Aadhar card. With the help of Aadhar card, this company gets some personal information of you.
  • On the second number, for the loan given to you, you will need a PAN card.
  • At number 3, you will need your salary slip.
  • Then you will need your bank statement.

So friends, you will need these few documents if you want to take loan from Lend Mall Loan Application.

Now let us talk about how you can get a loan with the help of Lend Mall Loan Application.

Lend Mall Loan Application

How to Apply For Loan From Lend Mall Loan Application

  • To get loan with the help of Lend Mall Loan Application, first of all you have to download Lend Mall Loan Application from Google Play Store.
  • After downloading you have to sign up with mobile number in Lend Mall Loan Application.
  • You have to keep one thing in mind that whatever mobile number you enter in the Lend Mall Loan Application, that mobile number should be linked with your bank account.
  • Then you have to enter some of your information.
  • And then if you are considered a Vaidya for this then you get permission to give loan.
  • Then after that you have to upload some documents.
  • Then today you want to get loan of such amount, you have to do that amount, they are deposited in your bank account within time.

So friends, now you can get a loan from Lend Mall Loan Application in this way, you will need these documents, we told you but you do not get to see the interest rate too much and you are given these people for 1 year. If you liked your information or if you have any question, definitely ask us in the comment below. So friends, just after today in this post we meet you so much till then

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